Friday, February 15, 2008

I am sure many of you might have never heard of EFT. When I first discovered this technique I thought it was a bit strange, but I tried it anyway. I am glad I did. EFT was so powerful for me that I started to tell friends about it and now I would like to share it with you.

EFT is short for: Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as the acupuncture of emotional issues without the needles. I must mention, though, that EFT also heals physical pain and diseases. However, to stay in my line of expertise, we are going to talk only about the emotional side of EFT here. If you are aware of the power of your vibrations and what they have to do with your results in life, then you might want to read on.

First of all you need to understand that we don't have energy, we are energy. In order to vibrate healthy signals we need to have a healthy flow of energy. The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. As sure as a blood clog in our blood stream will bring health issues to our body, an emotional block will cause health issues to our energy system.
Why is it so important to have a healthy energy system? Because it is directly linked to our vibrations; our vibrations are directly linked to what we attract in life and what we attract in life either match our desires or are in complete disharmony with them.

EFT will help you release the emotional blocks that you might carry around and which are responsible for your lack of success. How do you know if EFT is for you? Have you had the feeling that you've been trying everything you could to make your business or you relationship work, and yet have not succeeded? If that's the case, EFT is definitely for you. You may have practiced all the best affirmations, success story journals, visions meditations and so on... as long as you have an emotional block within your energy system, success will be long in coming.
You can practice EFT on things like: Attracting abundance, release fears, create success, generate feelings of gratitude, clear your mind, make decisions, become free of procrastination even relieve pains and diseases and much more.

EFT is one of the keys that I found for success. You can practice EFT on your own. It's easy to learn and it's free. Try it, it really works. Click on the link below to go to Master EFT Practitioner, Brad Yates:

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