Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting Your Life Back!

O.K., one of the most effective techniques for clearing out old, negative energy from past relationships is EFT. (Emotional Freedom Technique) EFT is a relatively new protocol that combines accupressure and affirmations that work synergistically and work almost like magic. Carol Look is an EFT master practitioner. Familiarize yourself with her method at:

You will find TONS of ways to improve your life...not only in the area of pain relief from failed relationships, but success in EVERY area of your life. I bet you've forgotten what JOY feels like!! I know I did... With EFT, you can choose to make YOURSELF feel JOY on command!! Why put your faith and trust in a human being that, almost certainly isn't looking out for anyone but THEMSELVES?!?

Be a Warrior

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